Get up to £5,000 or £10,000 to help cover the cost of energy efficient improvements to your home.
Green Homes Grant Scheme
Slate Insulations Ltd can help you access up to £10,000.00 worth of Government funding for energy improvements to your property. We will advise you an any aspect of the scheme which is currently available. As experienced and fully accredited Cavity Wall Insulation Specialists, you can trust us to help you through every stage.
Am I elegible for a home insulation grant?
You could be eligible as long as you live in England and:
- you own your own home (including long-leaseholders and shared ownership)
- you own your own park home on a residential site (including Gypsy and Traveller sites)
- you’re a residential landlord in the private or social rented sector (including local authorities and housing associations)
You cannot get the Green Homes Grant for newly built homes which have not been previously occupied.
Futher information can be found here: Government Information
What is the Green Homes Grant?
According to Government Endorsed Advice, homeowners and landlords in England can apply for a voucher towards the cost of installing energy efficient and low-carbon heating improvements to homes, which could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills.
Available Improvements
What improvements can I make?
Through the UK Government advises that vouchers must be used to install at least one primary home insulation or low carbon heating measure.
If you choose to install at least one of the primary measures, you can use your voucher to help cover the cost of secondary measures. The subsidy for the secondary measure is capped at the value of the subsidy provided for the primary measures. For example, if you receive £400 for a primary measure such as a cavity wall insulation, you will be able to receive a maximum of £400 for a secondary measure such as an energy efficient replacement door.
Customer Reviews ...
The work was performed to a very high standard. The workmen were courteous and helpful. The whole process was explained very clearly step by step. They went above and beyond to help resolve our issues and improve our home. I would certainly recomend them very highly to my friends and family.
- Customer in Hampshire